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NodeShift is a cloud platform that makes it easier for developers to build and host secure applications affordably in the decentralized cloud.

The NodeShift platform aggregates multiple independent data centers across the world and a wide range of existing decentralized solutions such as Akash, Filecoin, ThreeFold and many more, with an emphasis on affordable prices and a friendly UX. Payment for its cloud services is simple and straightforward, giving every business access to the same interfaces as the traditional cloud but with several key added benefits of decentralization such as affordability, privacy, and resilience.

Startups, enterprises and developers who are new to the cloud can get up and running quickly without any prior knowledge of decentralized technologies, while businesses that are familiar with cloud platforms have the option to easily transfer their workloads. It’s a platform purpose-built to empower developers and businesses, regardless of their growth stage or cloud prowess.

Developer Scenarios on NodeShift​

Empower your applications with private, resilient and affordable infrastructure across the world.

  • Machine Learning - effortlessly deploy powerful GPUs for your machine learning needs, leverage built-in ML model containers or easily run generative AI models and let them automatically scale.

  • Application Hosting - seamlessly migrate and host your entire application stack ranging from databases and APIs to web applications and platforms.

  • Storage - access hot, cold and archive storage across the entire globe, whether you need to store videos that need to be streamed at 8k resolution or archive petabytes of legacy data.

  • Containerised workloads - take advantage of the simplicity of containerization and Kubernetes to deploy your applications to NodeShift in a few clicks.