Generate Credentials​
Navigate to the Access Keys page.

Click Create Access Key.

Copy your Access Key, Secret Key to a safe location or download them.
Now you are ready to configure AWS CLI.
Configure AWS CLI with your credentials​
Make sure AWS CLI is installed on your machine. To install it follow the instructions.
Verify your AWS CLI version by running aws --version
in your terminal. AWS CLI current version is version 2. If you are using AWS CLI v1, you will need to install a plugin to be able to define the endpoint.
➜ ~ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID \[\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*7aua\]: <your-access-key\>
AWS Secret Access Key \[\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*lu2i\]: <your-secret-key\>
Default region name \[us-east-1\]:
Default output format \[None\]:
Make a Bucket​
aws s3 --endpoint-url= mb s3://mycoolbucket
Display Buckets​
aws s3 --endpoint-url= ls
Copy a file​
aws s3 --endpoint-url= cp /tmp/ s3://mycoolbucket
List files in the Bucket​
aws s3 --endpoint-url= ls s3://mycoolbucket
Copy a file from the Bucket​
aws s3 --endpoint-url= cp s3://mycoolbucket/ /tmp/
Delete the Bucket​
aws s3 --endpoint-url= rb s3://mycoolbucket/
Delete a non-empty Bucket​
aws s3 --endpoint-url= rb --force s3://mycoolbucket/